Naples 3: Has Brad Pitt Got My Passport?

It was our last full day in Naples, so we had a busy day planned. I wasn’t worried when I couldn’t locate my passport immediately. My demeanor changed when The Little Nurse couldn’t find it either. She can find anything. Keys, credit cards, letters from the water company, not to mention needles in haystacks, anything. I think it was her who found Osama Bin Laden although she never talks about it. The passport was missing and our day just went to custard. Continue reading “Naples 3: Has Brad Pitt Got My Passport?”

Naples 2: Pompeii, Is It Me or Is it Hot in Here.

Off to Pompeii today. Vesuvius, the eruption and all that. A previous neighbour of mine was always burning garden rubbish and that got on my pip, so I would have been a bit pissed off, if, as a resident of Pompeii back in 79AD, that a mountain blew up just after I’d hung out my washing. Nightmare. Continue reading “Naples 2: Pompeii, Is It Me or Is it Hot in Here.”